Social Media Marketing

Social Media Management

Social media management is the term used for maintaining a presence across various social media platforms, including engaging in monitoring and conversation with others. These online interactions come courtesy of channels like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube, but also more niche sites like LinkedIn and Yelp.

In the early stages of social media management, most brands’ strategies included deluging fans and followers with a barrage of posts every day. That approach quickly proved bothersome, and a more thoughtful method began to take shape. Maybe more than anything, brands started to realize that social media offered up a 24/7 soundboard where they could conduct two-way dialogue with customers (and potential customers).

Why is Social Media Management Important to Your Business?

At this point, there’s a good chance your brand is already on social media, so you at least understand the value. But let’s talk about why social media management is worth investing time in. For one, your customers are already there. Remember how we discussed Facebook’s origin as a platform for college kids? That couldn’t be further from the truth today. Users 65 and older are the fastest-growing group on Facebook. When people say everybody and their Grandmother is on Facebook, they aren’t kidding!

One of the other big advantages to social media management is that the platforms are generally free to use. Now, the caveat to that statement is most brands realize that in order to gain real traction with attracting new customers, spending money on social media advertising is essential. The good news is that most social media channels offer flexible and cost-affordable advertising options that provide you with ample opportunities to target your next customer.

Whether you spend money on social media or not, the channels empower brands to provide good customer service. Customers will often take to Twitter or Facebook instead of making a phone call, so a huge component of social media management is not only listening to what your customers have to say but also working to fix the problem.

Social Media Management Resources

Looking for a little inspiration? Here are a few sites to check out for more information on social media management.
If you’re ready to take your social media management to the next level

let’s chat about what Heart & Hustle Brands can do for you.