

How I rebranded my company

How I rebranded my company

I recently decided to change my company name from Harrison Creative Group to Heart & Hustle Brands. I made a choice late last year after reflecting on the body of work I’ve done for clients over the years. I wanted to walk in my clients’ shoes and experience what they go through when changing their name or updating their brand identity.

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To rebrand or not to rebrand?

To rebrand or not to rebrand?

I decided to change the company name from Harrison Creative Group to Heart & Hustle Brands late last year after reflecting on the portfolio of work I’ve done over the years. I wasn’t having a mid-life crisis, although I’m approaching middle-age. I wasn’t running away from a reputation problem or selling my business. The reason I chose to rebrand is that I wanted to walk in the shoes of my clients.

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How Much Should You Pay for a Logo?

How Much Should You Pay for a Logo?

Asking a brand designer how much you should pay for a logo may not seem like the best person to ask, especially if you're trying to save a buck. You might expect a designer to respond, "What's your budget?" as if they're in a quick-draw duel where the first one to...

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3 Ways Brand Guidelines Save You Money

3 Ways Brand Guidelines Save You Money

Imagine trying to drive from Chicago to Miami without GPS, map, or your smartphone for directions. Sure, you'd probably get there eventually just by heading south. But, having some instructions on which roads to take and speed traps to avoid would help you get there a...

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