Marketing Insights

Why Would a Business Want to Rebrand?

Why Would a Business Want to Rebrand?

Refurbish. Reuse. Recycle. Renew. All these words have similar meanings that convey a sense that the object they’re describing is being upgraded and used again. This sense can also apply to businesses that have closed for a time and intend to reopen. Typically,...

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How I rebranded my company

How I rebranded my company

I recently decided to change my company name from Harrison Creative Group to Heart & Hustle Brands. I made a choice late last year after reflecting on the body of work I’ve done for clients over the years. I wanted to walk in my clients’ shoes and experience what they go through when changing their name or updating their brand identity.

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To rebrand or not to rebrand?

To rebrand or not to rebrand?

I decided to change the company name from Harrison Creative Group to Heart & Hustle Brands late last year after reflecting on the portfolio of work I’ve done over the years. I wasn’t having a mid-life crisis, although I’m approaching middle-age. I wasn’t running away from a reputation problem or selling my business. The reason I chose to rebrand is that I wanted to walk in the shoes of my clients.

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